Why A Maintenance Retainer For Your Website Is Always A Good Idea
A website is never complete. There are always updates to be made, optimizations to be done, and bugs to be fixed. This is why it’s a good idea for any business to talk to their web designer or developer about a maintenance retainer. It doesn’t have to be a large retainer – just a few hours a month to ensure that the website is always operating at optimum levels.
Here are some of the benefits of having a website maintenance retainer:
Constant Monitoring And Adjusting For SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is always ongoing. For any website to rank well and continue ranking over time, it will need to be properly optimized. Your web designer and developer can keep a close eye on elements like page load speed and ensure that nothing is slowing down your website or causing it to load incorrectly.
A web developer may not be an SEO expert, but they should be able to assist with the mechanics of optimization. They should also be up to date on the big announcements from Google and other search engines to ensure that the websites they build aren’t immediately penalized in terms of SEO. If you partner with an agency that does both web development and SEO, then you can get the best of both worlds in your retainer.
Keep Your Website And Plugins Properly Updated
When working with WordPress as your base for your website, you often use themes and plugins that have been created by third-party developers. This means that you aren’t always in complete control of how your website will behave with updates. Having a professional web developer on standby to run the updates and ensure that everything is working as it should each time will save you a lot of hassle.
A developer will know how to roll back updates if something no longer works correctly. They’ll also be able to troubleshoot quickly and find alternate plugins when the ones you’re using are no longer working as they should. This means significantly less downtime for your website.
Security Upgrades When Needed
Cybersecurity is or should be a big concern for any website owner. When your developer sets up your website, they should always ensure that you have the correct security certificates and any other protocols that you need to have in place. That’s just phase one.
There are constantly new threats evolving, with hackers trying new tactics or developing new technology for forcing their way into websites. Any expert in web design and development should be keeping up to date on all of these evolutions, and therefore, should be able to ensure that your website has the security it needs to protect you and your website visitors.
A Finger On The Pulse Of UX Trends
Expectations for user experience are constantly evolving as technology develops and as people’s tastes change. A professional website developer can be expected to be up to speed on the latest trends for user experience (UX) and what technologies are available to assist with this. They can then advise you on what changes to make so that your website offers what people really want. This is extremely important for any brand wanting to stay relevant in the digital world.
Keep Your Website Moving Forward
In the digital age, being static is a very quick way to kill your brand. Your website needs to be current and relevant. The best way to ensure this is with a maintenance retainer from a development specialist.
Talk to Let’s Go Media about what we can do to keep your website working for you. Our team knows exactly what’s needed to ensure that your website maximizes your ROI: hello@letsgomedia.io or Whatsapp us on +27 83 9555 891